
June 3, 2019

Carnegie Library Serving Summer Meals for Children

Beginning June 17, the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh will offer free summer meals/snacks to Pittsburgh youth on weekdays through August 23.


In summer 2019, the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh will continue its participation in the Summer Food Service Program in order to ensure even more Pittsburgh youth have access to free food during summer vacation. Meals and activities will be provided during times listed below while supplies last and are for youth ages 18 and younger, and for persons with disabilities up to age 21.

Meals are being offered locally in collaboration with Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank and Pittsburgh CitiParks as part of the federally funded Summer Food Service Program.

Program Schedule

This program is available Monday – Friday at the following locations (unless otherwise specified):

More Information

For questions, contact the Library of Pittsburgh via phone at 412.622.3114.

*Information provided by the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh