
July 6, 2020

Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms

Are you interested in learning how institutional racism becomes present in early childhood environments? Sign up to receive a recording of the live webinar “Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms: A Response to Racism in America” on July 8.


In this webinar, the lead authors of the newly released book, Don’t Look Away, Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms, will participate in a roundtable discussion on how to explore and address issues of bias, equity, low expectations, and family engagement to ensure culturally responsive experiences. Equipped with the tools and strategies to promote classroom change, educators will be empowered to do the following:

    • learn how institutional racism becomes present in early childhood environments;
    • discover how implicit bias, microaggression, and white privilege can play a role in undermining the learning experiences of marginalized Black and brown children and those who teach them;
    • embrace anti-bias and anti-racist teaching approaches; and
    • implement best practices for creating culturally-rich and supportive classroom environments that protect children from social-emotional and psychological trauma by affirming personal healing.

This webinar will be of interest to pre-k through elementary teachers; school and district leaders; coaches; trainers; and child care providers, owners, and administrators.


Live access to this event is sold out. Sign up to receive the event recording by visiting


May 27, 2020

Virtual Home Visits and Socialization Activities

Are you interested in learning how to plan virtual home visits and socialization activities with families? Join the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL) on June 10 for their webinar, “Planning Virtual Home Visits and Socialization Activities with Families.”


In this webinar, participants will learn how to plan and individualize virtual home visits and socialization activities with families. Presenters will explore effective virtual engagement practices and review available resources to assist participants’ continued work with families. Both

This webinar is best suited for program directors; education managers; home visitors and their supervisors; teachers who are engaging virtually with children and families; and regional T/TA staff who support home visiting programs and home-based program staff. English and Spanish captioning will be available.

Featured Topics

    • Planning a developmentally appropriate virtual home visit as well as socialization activities with families.
    • Exploring tools to increase family engagement in home visits and socialization from a distance.
    • Reviewing resources to support home visitors and their work with families.


To register and learn more, visit the Home Visiting Webinar Series webpage.


May 7, 2020

Transform for Tomorrow – Virtual Series for School Leaders

Are you a superintendent or school leader who is interested in learning how schools might prepare for a post-COVID-19 educational environment? Attend “Transform for Tomorrow,” a virtual series for school leaders that explores how educational organizations can make plans for what comes next, no matter what tomorrow may bring.


As abruptly as COVID-19 has struck, educational leaders had no prior training on managing after this dramatic change. The purpose of the Transform for Tomorrow virtual series is to share and learn from one another during this unprecedented time and examine 11 topics that can help in managing this major paradigm shift in education. To view session topics, view the series flyer. Participants must attend all sessions.

To register, visit the event webpage. Sessions will continue from May through June, and will prepare participants for the still evolving environmental changes of the 2020 shift into 2021 school years. Come learn with us and share your experience.

More Information

For more information, contact Dr. Bart Rocco at or Dr. Billie Rondinelli at This virtual series is presented to you in Collaboration with Remake Learning, The Grable Foundation, and The Allegheny Intermediate Unit.

Share this flyer with your network. 


April 15, 2020

Making and Tinkering at Home and School

Are you interested in learning how to transition your home or school into a making and tinkering environment for your young child(ren)? Join Cate Heroman, author of Making and Tinkering with STEM, and Lianna Kali, Project Director for The Tinkering Studio in San Francisco’s Exploratorium, as they share strategies for delightful investigations to try at home and school.


During this webinar, presenters will take a closer look at tinkering with two big ideas–light and shadow play and balls, ramps, and chain reactions. Attendees will receive a certificate of attendance for viewing this live webinar. For those who cannot attend, a recorded version of the presentation will be made available within six to eight weeks.


To register, visit NAEYC’s event page.


April 7, 2020

The Science of Learning and Teaching at Home During COVID-19

Are you interested in asking leading child development experts questions about learning and teaching from home during the COVID-19 pandemic? Join the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) on April 10 for their webinar, “At Home with the Child Experts: The Science of Learning and Teaching at Home During COVID-19.”


Are you wondering how to make sure your kids are staying on track with school work? If or when to reach out to your child’s teacher? Whether there are “fun” activities you can introduce to help your children learn?

This 30-minute informal conversation gives parents and caregivers a chance to ask leading child development experts direct questions about learning and teaching at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants will have the option of submitting questions in advance or posting them in real-time during the event.


To register, visit the event webpage.


April 3, 2020

Strategies for Virtual Learning for Students with Dyslexia

Are you interested in learning about tips, techniques, and strategies that are designed to support students with dyslexia? Join Learning Ally on April 9 for the webinar, “Strategies for Virtual Learning for Students with Dyslexia.”


The thought of accomplishing meaningful virtual learning for students is a daunting one. When you consider the complexities of providing intervention, accommodations, and other supports for students with dyslexia in a virtual learning environment, the task becomes even more intimidating. It doesn’t have to be though! Join presenters for this webinar to learn tips, techniques, and strategies designed to keep your students learning. Presenters make sure you know what students need in order to thrive and leave you with a list of go-to resources that will prepare you to deliver instruction in a variety of virtual technology environments.

This webinar will be of value to pre-k through high school teachers and school and district leaders. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.


March 31, 2020

How to Practically Implement the Six Keys to Early Childhood Reading

Are you interested in learning how and why the reading gap exists in children and how educators can help bridge the gap? Join Reading Expert John Lant on April 8 for his webinar, “How to Practically Implement the 6 Keys to Early Childhood Reading.”


In this webinar, participants will hear from reading experts who have spent 17 years in the classroom with children. Presenters will make it easy for attendees to understand how to apply and teach children the six keys to early childhood reading (as outlined by the NICHD) in a practical way. These six keys include the following:

    • teaching direct phonemic awareness;
    • teaching explicit letter-sound correspondence;
    • teaching frequent letter-sound relationships systematically;
    • demonstrating how to sound out words with letter-sound blending;
    • using connected, decodable text to practice letter-sounding relationships; and
    • reading interesting stories to develop language comprehension.

This webinar will be of interest to pre-k through elementary teachers and school and district leaders. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage. Space is extremely limited.


March 20, 2020

Literacy in a Time of Rapid Change: Strategies & Resources for Virtual Learning

Join literacy experts, authors, and experienced virtual educators, Dr. Troy Hicks and Shaelynn Farnsworth, for the webinar, “Literacy in a Time of Rapid Change: Strategies and Resources for Virtual Learning,” as they discuss resources and strategies to best support remote teaching and learning.


In this webinar, presenters will explore ways to virtually teach and engage students in literacy learning by sharing curricular content, edtech tools, resources, communities, and tips to get participants thinking critically and creatively in this time of crisis. As educators are working to meet the needs of all students virtually, it is important to also be mindful of issues related to equity, accessibility, and student populations with special needs.

This webinar will be of interest to kindergarten through higher education teachers, librarians, school and district leaders, curriculum and instruction, TOSAs and coaches, assistant superintendents, and tech directors. There will be time to have your questions answered at the end of the presentation.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.


December 19, 2019

Head Start Coaching Companion Available

If you are an early care and education professional who is interested in receiving coaching feedback and sharing videos, consider using the Head Start Coaching Companion!


By utilizing the Head Start Coaching Companion, early childhood professionals will view examples of teaching practices, record their teaching interactions, and track their progress using three major components of Practice-Based Coaching (PBC), including:

    • shared goals and action planning;
    • focused observation; and
    • reflection and feedback.

Though PBC was designed with Head Start programs in mind, it aligns with a variety of coaching models.


To utilize the Head Start Coaching Companion, professionals should have access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone with basic video editing software; a digital video camera, tablet, or smartphone with video capability; and reliable internet access. Video footage will be utilized to record teaching interactions.

See the Head Start Coaching Companion handout to learn more.

Learn More

To get started, educators can submit a Coaching Companion application and learn more online. View the Coaching Companion PDF or email for additional information.

*Information provided via Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) Region 5


August 30, 2019

Webinar | Including and Teaching Young Children with Disabilities

Join Dr. Susan Sandall on September 12 for her upcoming webinar, “Building Blocks for Including and Teaching Young Children with Disabilities.”


This edWebinar will provide information about the development, use, and latest revision to “Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs”, a multi-tiered framework for planning and providing individualized support and instruction for young children with disabilities or other special needs. Learn about the four levels of support as well as practical, research-based practices for use in inclusive classrooms and other early learning environments. Presenters will also highlight various forms and resources for planning, teaching, and monitoring children’s progress.

This webinar is suitable for pre-k teachers, early childhood faculty, school and district leaders, and curriculum and instruction department chairs.


To register and learn more, visit the edWeb website!

About the Presenter

Dr. Susan Sandall is Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington (UW). She has directed personnel preparation projects, developed curriculum materials for all age groups, and published materials on educational practices to facilitate optimal outcomes for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities.

*Information provided by EdWeb