
July 7, 2021

Child Care Works (CCW) Payment Policies to Continue

In support of child care providers during closures and reopenings that resulted from COVID-19, all policies and procedures in ELRC Announcement 20-17 will continue.

Child Care Works (CCW) Payment Policies

CCW payments to child care providers will continue to be based on their current enrollment, with the following exceptions:

    • Providers who have been closed by Certification due to a negative sanction will not be paid.
    • Providers who have reported permanent closure will not be paid.
    • Providers who temporarily closed more than 14 business days due to COVID-19 exposure.

Providers must track and report the attendance of children on invoices. Eligible providers will continue to be paid based on their current enrollment for children who remain eligible for CCW through normal invoicing and payment methods.

More Information

For more information, read OCDEL’s full announcement or this ELRC Region 5 news post. For more news, visit Trying Together’s News webpage.