Call It Child Care

Child care supports children’s healthy development and a lifetime of learning.

That’s why we call it child care.

In June of 2018, the Pennsylvania state legislature passed House Bill 1677 to update Pennsylvania’s regulations and code to use the term “child care” rather than “day care” to reflect the work of early learning programs more accurately.

Trying Together worked closely with the bill’s prime sponsor, Representative Jason Ortitay, who represents Allegheny and Washington counties. Thanks to advocates like you, and Rep. Ortitay’s persistence, HB 1677 passed and was signed by the Governor.

Why Call It Child Care?

  • The impact of child care is much longer than a day.
  • The words we use matter because they affect the public’s perception and the field’s own accountability in providing high-quality care.
  • “Child care” acknowledges the complexity of a high-quality early care and education program.

Resource Toolkit

Start advocating for Call It Child Care and download and print our digital resource toolkit today!

There are a limited number of printed resource toolkits that can only be dropped off or mailed to Western Pennsylvania locations.

Due to limited resources for this initiative, we are unable to provide physical toolkits or present the information at programs outside of our Southwestern PA service area.

To request a printed Call It Child Care resource toolkit, please submit the form below.


Call It Child Care graphic that says, "Every day we care about child care."