September 8, 2021 COVID-19 Best Practices for Child Care OCDEL has developed best practices for early learning professionals navigating COVID-19 protocols in their child care programs. The first topic: face coverings. COVID-19 Best Practices for Child Care To keep child care providers informed on the latest best practices for keeping children, staff, and families safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pennsylvania Key created a webpage that highlights recommended best practices. As of September 8, the page includes: activities that can make children feel more comfortable with wearing a face mask, guidance regarding the use of face masks in early childhood education programs, printable flyers in English and Spanish that you can display in your program, tips on how to select, wear, clean, dry, and store face masks, tip sheets that answer frequently asked questions about wearing a mask in child care settings, and more. Learn More For more information, visit the Pennsylvania Key website. To read more news, visit our news page or sign up to receive our digital newsletters. TweetSharePinShare0 Shares