May 7, 2018 Kindergarten Transition White Paper Highlights Regional Efforts The move from pre-kindergarten to Kindergarten marks a critical point in the lives of young children and their families. In the 2017 – 2018 school year, Allegheny County reported early registration at 84% and on-time registration at 97% for Kindergarten students. This success is due largely in part to the local Hi5! Campaign funded by the United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania and chaired by Trying Together and the Allegheny Intermediate Unit #3. To highlight the successful regional and national efforts of child care centers, Head Start and pre-k teachers, and school districts to support young children and families in this momentous occasion, Trying Together has released a white paper entitled, Kindergarten Transition. The paper provides researched recommendations and activities including: requiring local transition teams; providing guidance on how to leverage funds; encouraging data sharing; including parents and guardians in the transition process; ensuring high-quality, developmentally appropriate Kindergarten; strengthening relationships and collaboration between early childhood programs and elementary schools; and rethinking the responsibility of school readiness. “Research and evaluation nationally shows that children who experienced effective transition practices retain the developmental gains made in early childhood through the early elementary grades,” said Cara Ciminillo, Trying Together Executive Director. “Through the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESSA), Pennsylvania school districts will now have more flexibility to use federal dollars to support their Kindergarten transition efforts.” TweetSharePinShare0 Shares