
February 25, 2022

March is National Reading Month

March is National Reading Month. The month kicks off with National Read Across America Day on March 2, where children, teachers, parents/caregivers, and community members around the nation come together to read books and celebrate the joy of reading.

About National Reading Month

The National Education Association (NEA) has been leading the Read Across America initiative since 1998.

Read Across America Day calls upon everyone to read and engage with children to make reading a more fun and interactive experience. Libraries, schools, book clubs, and communities organize events to celebrate and promote reading.

Reading Activity Ideas

  • Review the NEA’s recommended book titles on the Read Across America calendar.

  • Choose from ideas for sharing books and all kinds of ways to celebrate with stories in classrooms.

  • Join Literacy Pittsburgh on March 2 for virtual story times throughout the day on Facebook Live to celebrate Read Across America Day. View the full schedule.

  • Join Reading Is Fundamental on March 2 starting at 9 a.m. (and available on demand until March 31, 2022) for their celebration webcast “Reading Inspires!” A downloadable viewing kit includes an activity for each of the three read-aloud books that will be featured during the event.

  • Attend one of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s events throughout the region for children and adults. Visit their events page for details.

  • Donate a book to the United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania’s book drive. You and your family can help put exciting and diverse books into the hands of young readers and promote literacy in our region. This year’s books have been hand-selected to focus on social diversity, including but not limited to various ethnicities, classes, genders, physical abilities/qualities, race, and work statuses. Fill out this form to register and receive the list of books they are accepting.
Image: A young girl sits on a pillow on the floor, reading a book by herself.