October 20, 2021 Online Toolkit to Support Multilingual Students in Pre-K to Third Grade Early Edge California and American Institutes for Research (AIR) released the Multilingual Learning Toolkit last month, an online hub of research-and evidence-based instructional resources and strategies on how to best-support multilingual learners (MLs) in grades pre-k to three. Additional Information The Multilingual Learning Toolkit website provides an overview of foundational principles of dual language learning and development. Additionally, educators can access a wide variety of instructional strategies and resources related to the following areas: Family Engagement Social-emotional Health and Development Classroom Environment Oral Language Development Literacy Development Bilingual Classrooms Home Language Development Additional ELD Strategies Content Learning Assessment Building Educators’ Capacity New resources will be added on an ongoing basis. While the Toolkit draws heavily from California-based policies, programs, and resources, practitioners across the country may find value in accessing this online hub of research-based, asset-focused principles. TweetSharePinShare0 Shares