
May 21, 2024

PA Farm to School Grant Program Accepting Applications

The Pennsylvania Farm to School Grant Program is accepting applications through June 7. The program provides schools with funding to improve access to healthy, local foods and increase agriculture education opportunities for students in pre-k through eighth grade.

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The grant program aims to connect children to fresh, healthy food that is available from Pennsylvania agricultural producers in their community and surrounding areas. Through changing food purchasing and education practices at schools and early education sites, students will become more aware and engaged with their local food system while also supporting agriculture in their community.

Eligible costs that can be covered by the grant include:

  • PA agricultural products
  • Supplies
  • Personnel
  • Travel
  • Equipment critical to the project
  • Indirect costs (a maximum of 10%)

Limitations for those who receive a grant include:

  • $500,000 is available for the Farm to School Grant Program; grants will be awarded on a funds-available basis.
  • Projects must be completed no later than June 30, 2026.
  • Grants will be funded as reimbursements.
  • A single grant will be limited to 75% of the project’s cost.
  • Each school can receive no more than $15,000 annually.
  • Recipients can use the value of in-kind support to match the amount granted.


The grant may be used for training for teachers and staff as well as for procuring local foods for school cafeterias.

Educational opportunities for which the grant may be used include:

  • Classroom curricula and experiential learning
  • Providing for family and community involvement in educational opportunities
  • Field trips to local farms or other agricultural operations
  • School gardens for the purpose of education or to supply the cafeteria

How to Apply

Applications should be submitted through the Single Application for Assistance no later than 4 p.m. on Friday, June 7. Applications received after that time will not be considered.

Those interested in applying can find application instructions on the state Department of Agriculture website. Requirements on filling out the application can be found on the Farm to School Grant Program website.