September 11, 2023 Public Review Period Open for CDA Competencies Standards Changes The Council for Professional Recognition is inviting the early childhood education (ECE) field to share regarding their recent review of the CDA Competency Standards. The Council, along with the Children’s Equity Project and a team of technical subject matter experts, has reviewed the current National Child Development Associate® (CDA) Competency Standards and proposed updates to align with the latest trends regarding equity in the field. Learn More The proposed enhancements impact the knowledge, skills, and preparation of educators regarding the need for greater equity and inclusivity in early childhood education. Updates include: The addition of a function area for each competency goal New Functional Areas address various aspects of equity and inclusivity in child development and educational practice. The addition of equity-based indicators of competence Equity-based indicators have been incorporated to all Functional Areas. These indicators aim to promote fairness, inclusivity, and cultural responsiveness. The change fosters an environment that caters to the diverse needs of all children and families. A draft of the proposed and the current CDA Functional Areas and indicators are available for comparison. The public review and feedback period is open until September 18, 2023. Learn more and share your feedback. TweetSharePinShare0 Shares