July 10, 2018 Wightman Park Improvement Project Set to begin this year, the much-anticipated rehabilitation of Wightman Park in Squirrel Hill will create a safer, cleaner, greener, and more accessible space. Through in-person meetings and online engagement, neighborhood residents, frequent park users, and the stakeholders helped to develop a vision to revitalize this community asset that has not received major investments in two decades. The Wightman Park Improvement Project is being carried out by the City of Pittsburgh, City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Works, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, Pashek+ MTR, and Ethos Collaborative. Play areas throughout will include not only physical play spaces, but social & sensory experiences for children with differing abilities. Additional neighborhood meetings and community pop-up events will be scheduled throughout 2018 during the design and construction phases. via the Office of the Mayor. TweetSharePinShare0 Shares