January 3, 2024 Allegheny County Executive Seeks Resident Input on Priorities and Government Expectations Allegheny County Executive Sara Innamorato’s Administration is seeking input from residents about their priorities and what they want from county government. All in Allegheny Community Survey All in Allegheny invites people county residents to share their ideas, priorities, and needs with the Innamorato Administration through a survey. The survey gives residents the opportunity to share their thoughts on child care, housing, healthcare, safety, reducing pollution, and other topics. Feedback from the survey will help to inform the county government’s priorities. The survey has been translated into the nine languages most commonly spoken in the county and is available at AlleghenyforAll.com/community-survey. Visit the Allegheny for All website to stay involved, find information about upcoming community conversations about survey results, and share more of your ideas for County government. About All in Allegheny All In Allegheny is a large and inclusive community engagement process that will understand what people from every part of Allegheny want from County government and build an action plan for County government to deliver on community needs during the Innamorato Administration. County Executive Innamorato named nearly 200 esteemed and diverse leaders to nine policy committees that will inform her administration’s governing agenda. Trying Together Executive Director Cara Ciminillo is co-chair of the Robust Education, Workforce Development, and Youth Investments Committee. TweetSharePinShare0 Shares