Engaging Early Learners with Technology: Sharing Research and Best Practices

About In this edWebinar, the presenters will discuss the best practices for technology use with young children (birth through age five) and their families. They will also discuss how to support early childhood educators in grades K-3 with effective technology strategies. Research on technology use in early childhood education from the National Association for the […]

Phone Banking: School Board Member Elections

A+ Schools 1901 Centre Ave., Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Being a School Board member is one of the most important elected positions in Pittsburgh. They play a vital role in our community property, including setting tax rates, negotiating the work rules and pay for all school staff, hiring key school administrators, and enacting policies that govern the district and budget. However, only one in […]


Jeremiah’s Place: Spring Open House

The Kingsley Association 6435 Frankstown Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join Jeremiah's Place for their Spring Open House on Thursday, April 25th to take a tour of Pittsburgh's only emergency child care center, explore volunteer and employment opportunities, and learn more about how you can utilize their services. About Jeremiah's Place Jeremiah's Place provides emergency care for children ages 0-6 for a few hours or […]


Animal Architects: Using Nature’s Builders to Teach STEAM

Colab 18 100 S. Commons St, Suite 100, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

About What is an architect and how can animals be architects without using pencils, computers, and blueprints? This hands-on workshop will explore how cross-curricular topics such as ecology and environmental science can be used to teach math and engineering. Participants will discover how the expertise of animal architects such as spiders, beavers and birds can […]


Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Earth Day

Friday, April 26 6 - 9 p.m. | Community Campfire* Join Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy for an all-ages community campfire under the stars. They'll have the fire and sticks, you bring your own hot dogs and s'more fixings. Note: This event takes place at Falls Ravine Shelter (click here for directions to nearby trail entrance). Saturday, […]
