
August 1, 2023

Grandfamily Tip Sheets Provide Information on Self-Care and Youth Mental Health

Generations United, with support from Humana, recently developed tip sheets on self-care and youth mental health for grandfamily caregivers.

Tip sheets include specialized information and resources for grandfamilies and grandparents who care for young children.

About Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheets

According to Generations Untied, there are 2.6 million children in the U.S. living in households headed by a grandparent, another relative, or close family friend without a parent present. Consequently, these families, often referred to as “grandfamilies,” require unique supports.

Tip sheets, tailored to grandfamilies, serve Generations United’s mission to improve the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational collaboration.

Thus far, two grandfamily caregiver tip sheets have been developed:

  • Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Self-Care, and
  • Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Youth Mental Health.

Both are available in English and Spanish.

Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Self-Care

The grandfamily caregiver tip sheet on self-care:

  • defines self-care,
  • explains the need for grandfamily self-care,
  • estabilishes challenges grandfamilies face in receiving self-care,
  • provides self-care tips for grandfamily caregivers, and, also
  • provides examples of self-care.

Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Youth Mental Health

The grandfamily caregiver tip sheet on youth mental health:

  • explains the impacts of childhood trauma,
  • shares recommendations on mitigating the impact of trauma,
  • highlights warning signs of child mental health challenges,
  • shares recommendations for talking to children about mental health, and, additionally,
  • provides mental health resources.

Access the Tip Sheets

To access the tip sheets, utilize the following links:

Additionally, tip sheets are available on the Generations United website.

Learn More

To learn more, visit the Generations United website.

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