
March 24, 2022

Remake Learning Days 2022

With events beginning in April 2022, Remake Learning Days brings together a variety of organizations to provide youth and families with innovative learning experiences!

About Remake Learning Days

Remake Learning Days Across America (RLDAA) is a celebration of innovative experiences and opportunities for youth to develop their sense of creativity, perseverance, and curiosity. The celebration includes a festival of hands-on events designed for kids of all ages (pre-k through high school) at local libraries, schools, technology centers, museums, play spaces, and more.

Families, caregivers, and educators are invited to join as well. A majority of the events are free and open to kids of all ages.

Event Themes

Events are organized around specific learning themes such as:

  • Arts

  • Maker

  • Outdoor Learning

  • Science

  • Technology

  • Youth Voice

A calendar with Southwestern PA events is available on the Remake Learning Days website.

Professional development sessions are also available for school, out-of-school, child care, and non-traditional educators. Families, youth, and professionals can search events by date, time, location, learning theme, age group, and more.

More Information

RLDAA is presented by Remake Learning and many nationwide partners and host organizations. For more information, visit the RLDAA website.

Picture: A young girl plays with colorful streamers while dancing around happily.