Provider Pajama Party

The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center 7219 Kelly Street, Pittsburgh, PA

Early child care programs are invited to attend a pajama party at The Homewood Early Learning Hub. Wearing comfortable pajamas and sipping hot cocoa, participants will get the chance to connect with Hub staff, learn about helpful community resources, and meet with organizations that support positive early learning and play. Fun activities for all involved […]


APOST Summer Conference for Out-of-School Time

A. J. Palumbo Hall of Science & Technology 3305 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join Allegheny Partners for Out-of-School-Time (APOST) on June 14 for their Summer Conference for Out-of-School Time. PQAS/Act 48 credit available upon request. About The APOST Summer Conference for Out-of-School Time is a professional development conference that shares best practices in youth development. This conference is open to youth practitioners who desire to increase their skills […]


Paying Yourself, Your Staff, and Your Bills: Helping Child Care Programs

Are you interested in learning about the different options child care programs can access to get financial support during the COVID-19 pandemic? Join the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) on April 9 for the webinar, "Paying Yourself, Your Staff, and Your Bills: Helping Child Care Programs Understand and Navigate SBA Loan […]
