
August 5, 2024

2024-25 Keystone STARS Continuous Quality Improvement Awards

The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) Bureau of Early Learning Policy and Professional Development, released information about the 2024-25 Keystone STARS Continuous Quality Improvement Awards issued to eligible STAR 2, 3, and 4 child care programs.

The intent of the Awards is to improve, support, and recognize the quality of Pennsylvania’s early learning and school-age programs that are invested in the Keystone STARS Program.

About the CQI Awards

Beginning on September 3, 2024, eligible programs will receive a Keystone STARS CQI Award Eligibility and Acceptance Letter from their ELRC. The letter will include the maximum award amount a child care provider is eligible for and contact information for their ELRC.

Providers who believe they are eligible for the award but have not received a Keystone STARS CQI Award Eligibility and Acceptance Letter by November 29, 2024, should immediately contact the ELRC.

Eligible providers must return the Keystone STARS CQI Award Eligibility and Acceptance Letter to the ELRC electronically (through email or fax) or USPS on or before December 13, 2024.


To be eligible for a Keystone STARS CQI Award, a provider must meet all the following requirements both as of August 1, 2024, and at the time of the award payment:

  1. The provider holds a regular DHS Certificate of Compliance.

  2. The provider is designated as a Keystone STAR 2, 3, or 4 program and is not in a Keystone STARS Suspension status.

    • NOTE: OCDEL is providing a policy exception for STAR 1 programs who successfully move up to a STAR 2, 3, or 4. Programs must be successful in moving up to a STAR 2, 3, or 4 as evidenced by a completed designation case in the PD Registry System and a confirmed designation in PELICAN Keys to Quality on or before October 31, 2024. In addition, these programs must meet all other eligibility criteria at time of payment by the ELRC.

    • NOTE: OCDEL is also providing a special consideration for STAR 2 and STAR 3 programs that meet all eligibility criteria on August 1, 2024, and move to a higher STAR designation. To receive a higher CQI Award amount, STAR 2 and 3 programs must be successful in moving up in STARS as evidenced by a completed designation case in the PD Registry System and a confirmed designation in PELICAN Keys to Quality on or before October 31, 2024. In addition, these programs must meet all other eligibility criteria at time of payment by the ELRC. STAR 2 and STAR 3 programs should contact their Quality Coach as soon as possible if they intend to successfully complete a higher STAR designation by October 31.

  3. If applicable, the provider must have completed the reporting requirements for the 2023-24 CQI Awards and not have an open referral to the Office of Attorney General (OAG) or an ongoing repayment plan with an ELRC for fund recoupment associated with ARPA Stabilization Grants, Workforce Support Grants 1.0, and Workforce Support Grants 2.0.

  4. The provider does not owe liens/liabilities to the Commonwealth.

Allowable Expenses

Eligible programs can use the Keystone STARS CQI Award funds for eligible expenses in the following categories:

  • Staff Qualifications and Professional Development
  • Early Childhood Education Program
  • Partnerships with Families and Communities
  • Leadership and Management
  • Accreditation Costs (toward an OCDEL-approved Alternate Pathway)

These categories align with the Keystone STARS Performance Standards and represent the most closely associated areas with quality activity expenses for ECE programs. Award funds can be applied to eligible expenses incurred from July 1, 2024, to February 28, 2025.

More Information

For additional details, including eligibility requirements, policy exceptions, award amounts, allowable and ineligible expenses, award process and timelines, and FAQs, please see the the full announcement about the Keystone STARS Continuous Quality Improvement Award.

Refer to the following documents for additional information and clarifications:

Resources for December Observances