January 20, 2025 6×6 Assemble Show Seeks Art Submissions with ‘Play’ Theme The 6×6 Assemble is seeking submissions from artists for its third annual show. This year’s theme is PLAY. Learn More Artists is called upon to think of how they play and create something. Creating a piece itself could be an act of play. Or, it could be a sport, video game reference, board game, pictorial hide and seek, or something you play with and touch. Play is how humans learn about their environments as children and is a critical element for confidence building, problem solving, imagination, stress management, and socialization. Those interested in participating should fill out a form that should be dropped off to Assemble – located at 4824 Penn Avenue – by Friday, January 24. Each piece in the show will be sold for $25. All ages are welcome to participate. All funds raised will go to support Assemble’s free STEAM programs, although pieces that don’t sell will be returned to the artists. Pieces in the show should be no larger than 6”x”6×1’. Artists will be invited to a VIP reception on Thursday, February 6. Those interested should RSVP now. The public Unblurred Gallery Opening is from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Friday, February 7. TweetSharePinShare0 Shares