Positive interactions provide lasting effects throughout a child’s lifetime. Join Trying Together on May 12 for “Connections and Conversations: Positive Relationships, The Key to a Child’s Heart” to learn more.
This session will explore the importance of building positive relationships between educators and children, and highlight how positive interactions provide lasting effects throughout the course of a child’s lifetime.
Connections and Conversations Virtual Check-Ins are interactive sessions that highlight early childhood education topics. Participants engage in virtual discussions with child development experts and interact with early learning practitioners to share questions, experiences, and expertise.
Session Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2021 | 6 – 7 p.m.
Instructors: Judy Graca and Katie Streiff
Core Knowledge Competencies (CKC):
To register, complete the online registration form. Registration closes on May 10 at 11:55 p.m. Have your PD Registry Number available (if any).
One hour of PQAS credit is available. To receive credit, complete the PD Registry Credit Request Form (in addition to the registration form). For questions about credit, contact Jasmine Davis at jasmine@tryingtogether.org.
These discussions help educators grow professionally and share knowledge on early childhood topics. Participants should follow the guidelines below to ensure a successful virtual meeting for all participants.
For course questions, contact Judy Graca at judy@tryingtogether.org or Katie Streiff at katie.elrc5@alleghenycounty.us. For credit questions, contact Jasmine Davis at jasmine@tryingtogether.org.