
November 1, 2023

Deadline Extended for RFP: Early Intervention Gap Analysis

Trying Together is requesting proposals from qualified and experienced consulting firms to conduct a comprehensive gap analysis of the early intervention system (birth to three and three to five) in Allegheny County.

(This news post was updated on November 1, 2023 to reflect a new deadline RFP deadline of December 1, 2023).


Trying Together seeks an external consulting firm to conduct an early intervention gap analysis in Allegheny County with the goal of identifying areas in which the system is not equitable for young children and families based on but not limited to race, ethnicity, geography, and income. This will include examining outreach, referral, enrollment, and support for Black and Brown families and those who speak a language other than English in the home.

Results and recommendations will be shared with community stakeholders starting with families as well as regional system partners and the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL). Trying Together will use the recommendations of the gap analysis to develop potential solutions to address inequities and improve outreach, referral, enrollment, and support for Black and Brown families with young children.

The ideal candidate seeks to understand the Part B and Part C early intervention systems in Allegheny County and has an experienced track record of completing evaluations of education and human services programs.

Interested applicants should review the entire Early Intervention Gap Analysis RFP and RFP Q&A. Proposals should be submitted via email to and are due no later than December 1, 2023. Phone call inquiries will not be accepted. Please email if you have questions.

Image: An early learning professional sorts colorful toy pieces into four small boxes on the floor.