September 27, 2018 Congress Approves $260 Million Funding Increase for Federal Early Childhood Programs Congress has approved a FY2019 “minibus” appropriations package that includes $260 million in increases to the federal early childhood education programs. In addition to a $200 million increase in funding for Head Start and Early Head Start, lawmakers voted to increase funding for the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) program by $50 million, building on the historic $2.37 billion increase the program received in FY2018 through a bipartisan deal made by House and Senate leaders. The funding package approved also includes FY2019 funding for the Department of Defense, as well as a short-term Continuing Resolution to fund the rest of the government through December 7, 2018, was overwhelmingly approved in a 361-61 vote, and now awaits the president’s signature. These increases will continue to support, expand upon, and prioritize our nation’s families and youngest learners. FY2019 funding numbers as approved: Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) $5.3 billion — $50 million above FY2018 Early Head Start / Head Start $10.1 billion — $200 million above FY2018 Preschool Development Grants $250 million — Level with FY2018 Child Care Means Parents in School $50 million — Level with FY2018 IDEA Part B Preschool Grants $391.12 million — $10 million above FY2018 IDEA Part C Grants for Infants and Families $470 million — Level with FY2018 Read more online at: First Five Years Fund. TweetSharePinShare0 Shares