
October 6, 2021

COVID-19 CCW Payment Practices Extended

The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) has extended COVID-19 Child Care Works (CCW) payment practices until further notice.

CCW Practices

The suspension of various regulatory provisions under the state disaster emergency declaration that were set to expire on September 30, 2021, are now extended until further notice. Due to this extension, CCW payments to child care providers will continue to be based on their current enrollment with the following exceptions:

  • Providers who have been closed by Certification due to a negative sanction will not be paid.

  • Providers who have reported permanent closure will not be paid.

  • Providers who temporarily closed more than 14 business days due to COVID-19 exposure.

Eligible providers will continue to be paid based on their current enrollment for children who remain eligible for CCW through normal invoicing and payment methods.

Providers must continue to track and report the attendance of children on invoices. Child care providers must mark COVID-19 related absences as “CA” (COVID absence) to distinguish it from a non-COVID related absence on a paper invoice or include a note on an online invoice.

For more information, read OCDEL’s full announcement.