April 2, 2021 New Allegheny County Vaccine Registration Site On April 1, Allegheny Health Department Director Dr. Debra Bogen announced that a new Vaccine Registration website is now available to the public. Visitors can schedule their first or second dose and can reschedule or cancel appointments. About The Pennsylvania Department of Health announced an updated vaccine rollout timeline: Eligible Today: Everyone in Phase 1A and the following four categories – law enforcement, firefighters, grocery store workers, and food and agriculture workers – are eligible for vaccination and may schedule available appointments. Eligible on April 5: Everyone in Phase 1B is eligible for vaccinations and may begin scheduling. Eligible on April 12: Everyone in Phase 1C is eligible for vaccinations and may begin scheduling. Eligible on April 19: Everyone will be eligible to make appointments for vaccination. Visitors to the site will have four options to choose from: schedule first dose, schedule second dose, reschedule appointment, and cancel appointment. If the user is currently eligible for vaccination, and appointments are available, the next step will be to select an appointment Individuals who are not eligible yet, or for whom appointments are not available, will be invited to preregister. Second Dose Appointments Individuals who previously received their first dose from the Health Department and have not yet scheduled their second dose appointment will be emailed a first dose appointment number which is necessary for scheduling. Anyone not having received that email, or not having email, can call 2.1.1 for assistance in scheduling daily from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Callers should select option one for COVID calls, and then select option two for second dose appointments. Schedule An Appointment Visit the Allegheny County Vaccine Registration website to view and schedule an appointment. PA 2.1.1 Southwest will assist in scheduling first dose appointments for those who do not have internet access or have difficulty navigating the site. If callers are not eligible for vaccination or there are no appointments available, resource navigators can pre-register callers. More Information For more information, read the full press release. This information was provided by the Allegheny County Health Department. TweetSharePinShare0 Shares