
July 12, 2023

DHS Requests Feedback on Corrective Action Process Resources

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) is requesting feedback from child care providers on recently developed corrective action process (CAP) resources through a new survey.

About Corrective Action Process Resources & CAP Resources Survey

In recognizing the importance of corrective action processes in human services licensing, DHS released its, “Developing a Plan of Correction,” webinar in 2019. That same year, they released a corresponding, “Plan of Correction Quick Reference Guide,” (available as a PowerPoint presentation and PDF).

The webinar aimed to assist providers with the successful development and implementation of acceptable plans of correction. The guide, consequently, was issued as a tool to assist providers with this process.

Now the department seeks to understand the efficacy of these tools. Survey results will provide needed insight and help determine additionally needed resources.

Access and Take the Survey

Utilize the following link to access and take the survey:

The survey closes Wednesday, July 26. DHS must receive all responses on or before that date.

Learn More

To learn more, visit the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) webpage.


Trying Together took the information in this post directly from the Department of Human Services announcement. Some text may have been added, paraphrased, or adapted for readability and comprehension.

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