February 4, 2022 ECE Lending Library Open House The Trying Together Early Childhood Education (ECE) Lending Library will host an open house for all early learning educators on Saturday, February 19. About the ECE Lending Library The ECE Lending Library, which is located at the Trying Together offices in Squirrel Hill, allows educators to borrow an array of materials — such as books, puppet sets, play kits, leadership resources, and interactive panels — for their programs. The items support and recognize learning abilities, cultural diversity, and health and safety. The open house will be held on Saturday, February 19, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Educators are welcome to learn about the available items, browse, and borrow items for their classrooms. Location Trying Together offices 5604 Solway Street (Second Floor), Room 204 Pittsburgh, PA 15217 More Information For details about how to access the library, how to check out items, and to view a full list of available items, visit the ECE Lending Library website or view this flyer. Share this open house flyer with your staff and networks. TweetSharePinShare0 Shares