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July 20, 2023

BabyTalks Series: Fostering Inclusive Play for All Infants and Toddlers

Thursday, 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Free

In this BabyTalks webinar, attendees will learn how play varies across individuals, families, cultures, and communities.

Join Beth Zack, PhD, and Marie Baeta, MA, from the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning to explore the importance of moving away from a “one size fits all” approach to play. Those that attend will discover ways to make play accessible, culturally relevant, and meaningful to all infants and toddlers.

This webinar is offered with English and Spanish captioning.

Key topics that will be discussed during this webinar include:

  • Infant and toddler play through a lens of equity, inclusion, and cultural responsiveness.
  • Strategies to create playful learning experiences that are accessible and meaningful to all infants and toddlers.

This webinar benefits Head Start and child care program directors, managers, and administrators serving infants and toddlers, teachers, home visitors, and family child care providers, TTA providers, program office staff located in Regional offices and Washington, D.C., Head Start Collaboration offices.


Certificates of completion are available for this webinar.