Tech Tuesday: MaKey MaKey

Children's Museum of Pittsburgh 10 Children's Way, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Use the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh's MaKey MaKey invention kit to compute with your body! Discover different conductive materials, design a controller and build sensors. What will you invent? This program is designed for our youngest learners (0-5) but is suitable for all ages. The event is drop-in, so guests may come and go as they […]

Wellness Wednesday: Rethink Your Drink

Children's Museum of Pittsburgh 10 Children's Way, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh for Wellness Wednesday in the Nursery! The group will explore the sugar content of popular beverages as well as sample different flavors of fruit-infused waters (the healthy alternative to sugar-sweetened beverages). Get ready to rethink your drink! This program is designed for our youngest learners (0-5) but is suitable for […]


Learning to Listen: Webinar Series

Join Brazelton Touchpoints Center for the Learning to Listen webinar series, as they celebrate Dr. Brazelton's enduring legacy by learning from other masterful communicators about what children and parents have taught them through the power of listening. Available Times & Topics The series includes three webinars:  Apr 17, 2019, 3:00 PM: Learning to Listen to […]


Raising Readers Together Club

Willie Tees's Barbershop 7205 Frankstown Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA

The Raising Readers Together Club runs weekly and explores the importance of acceptance, equality, and tolerance through reading. Wednesday sessions are suitable for children age six and older. For children age five and younger, see our Thursday sessions at the Homewood Early Learning Hub. Spring & Summer 2019 Books: Clayton Byrd Goes Underground by Rita Williams-Garcia […]


Young Sprouts: Compost Stew

Children's Museum of Pittsburgh 10 Children's Way, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

What is compost and how do you make it? Learn about how you can take your old food scraps and turn them into nutritious soil to help the garden grow with the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh! The group will also read Compost Stew by Mary McKenna Siddals. This program is designed for our youngest learners (0-5) but […]