
Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Earth Day

Friday, April 26 6 - 9 p.m. | Community Campfire* Join Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy for an all-ages community campfire under the stars. They'll have the fire and sticks, you bring your own hot dogs and s'more fixings. Note: This event takes place at Falls Ravine Shelter (click here for directions to nearby trail entrance). Saturday, […]



Buzzword: Talk & Play Series 4

The Kingsley Association 6435 Frankstown Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join Buzzword Pittsburgh every Wednesday from July 10 to August 7 for Talk & Play Series 4! All events are free for learners ages five and under, with their caregivers, and will include activities that enhance vocabulary and literacy skills.  A light dinner will be provided. Program Schedule The schedule of events is as follows: […]


Nature in Your Neighborhood

Blue Slide Park | Frick Park Beechwood Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy on August 23 for "Nature in Your Neighborhood" to experience nature in Homewood and in nearby areas. For this event, community members are invited to explore Frick Park while enjoying nature hikes and activities. Bring your group, your camera, and your curiosity! Lunch will be provided. Registration is required and […]


Nurturing Connection to Nature for Health and Wellness

Frick Environmental Center 2005 Beechwood Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join APOST and Pittsburgh Parks Rx at the Frick Environmental Center on February 28 to learn how spending time in nature can support physical and mental wellness. About Attend this workshop to explore how to plan engaging experiences that nurture a connection to nature by incorporating active play and mindful reflection. Participants will try out […]
