
April 19, 2018

Keystone STARS Centralized Document Uploader Coming Soon

Many providers across the commonwealth asked for a tool that allows documents to be uploaded into a centralized system for Keystone STARS Quality Coaches and Designators to review. The Keystone STARS SMART Document Uploader was created in response to that request for centralization.

The Keystone STARS SMART Document Uploader is a web-based tool that is provider-facing and communicates with the SMART Database software that STARS Quality Coaches and Designators use when working with early learning programs.

The goals of the Keystone STARS SMART Document Uploader are as follows:

  • Reduce administrative burden for providers and coaches/designators
  • Streamline STARS designations
  • Support providers in the ELRC transition
  • Support Shared Services Alliances/Networks
  • Support stability in programs through efficient document retention
  • Allow for state-wide evaluation of provider submitted sources of evidence

More information on this will be available soon.

via PAKeys Early Ed News

document uploader