July 6, 2022 Local Child Care Provider Honored with Mayoral Proclamation June 26, 2022 will be known in Pittsburgh as “Doris Keith-Clark Day.” Mayor Ed Gainey issued this proclamation in recognition of her years of service to the children and families of the Homewood Community. Doris celebrated with her family, friends, early childhood colleagues, and the mayor’s office at the ABK Learning Center in the Hill District. Read More Doris has devoted over 40 years in providing voluntary community services, caregiving and educating children. She is the Founder & CEO of the Doris Keith-Clark Early Education Center on Kelly Street and is a founding member, and former vice president, of the Homewood Child Care Alliance (HCCA). In April 2022, Doris was the recipient of the Pennsylvania Association for the Education of Young Children (PennAEYC) VOICE for Children Award. This recognition is the only statewide award in Pennsylvania recognizing the grassroots leaders whose work impacts the quality of care for young children in diverse settings. Doris has also worked extensively with Trying Together, and has traveled to the State Capitol in order to advocate for funding to support early childhood care and education. TweetSharePinShare0 Shares