First established by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) in 1971, the Week of the Young Child is an opportunity to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. Over the years, with growing interest and focus, Trying Together designated the entire month of April as the Month of the Young Child (MOYC). The Month of the Young Child is a time during which the dedicated work of early educators can be promoted for the essential role that it plays in our society. The events of the last few years have demonstrated just how important it is to fund, support, and elevate the work of child care. Trying Together has assembled a month full of opportunities to share the importance of early care with the audiences that need to hear it most. MOYC-in-a-Box 2025 Trying Together is once again offering early care and education programs the opportunity to receive a box of MOYC materials. We’ve reached capacity for 2025 and are no longer taking submissions. Month of the Young Child Events Pittsburgh Pirates Game Trying Together will be spotlighted as the Nonprofit of the Game at the Pittsburgh Pirates game on April 6. A portion of each ticket purchased will help Trying Together’s mission of supporting high-quality care and education for young children by providing advocacy, community resources, and professional growth opportunities for the needs and rights of children, their families, and the individuals who interact with them. Learn more and buy tickets! Week of the Young Child Events at the Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center will have special programming to celebrate young children and their caregivers the week of April 7. Learn more. Annual Early Childhood Education Affiliate Dinner The theme of the dinner is “The Kaleidoscope Classroom: Changing Perspectives, Infinite Possibilities.” The event, held by the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg’s Education Department, will feature Dr. Eboni M. Zamani-Gallaher as the keynote speaker. The dinner will be held in the gymnasium at Chambers Hall on Tuesday, April 8. Registration and raffle baskets will begin at 4:30 p.m. and will be followed by diversity stations from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and a dinner at 5:30 p.m. The speaker will begin at 6:45 p.m. Learn more and register. 2025 Annual Celebration of Early Childhood Educators Dinner Join Trying Together and your early care and education colleagues to celebrate the work you do for young children and families. Guests will enjoy dinner, a photo booth, and prizes. When Thursday, April 10, 2025 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Where Acrisure Stadium, UPMC Club 100 Art Rooney Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Learn more! Join the Celebration from Home NAEYC Week of the Young Child Celebrate the daily themes featured during the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) Week of the Young Child (WOYC). This year’s events will be held on April 5 – 11, 2025. Daily themes include: Kick-Off Saturday (April 5, 2025) Music Monday (April 7, 2025) Tasty Tuesday (April 8, 2025) Work Together Wednesday (April 9, 2025) Artsy Thursday (April 10, 2025) Family Friday (April 11, 2025) To learn more about WOYC, WOYC daily themes, and WOYC activity resources, visit NAEYC’s WOYC webpage. Share Your Celebrations With Us Follow Trying Together on Facebook, X, Instagram, and LinkedIn! If you’re hosting a Month of the Young Child or Week of the Young Child celebration, tag us on social media with the hashtags #TryingTogether and #MOYC2025. TweetSharePin1Share1 Shares