November 7, 2023 NAA’s Next Generation of Afterschool Leaders Nominations Are Now Open The National AfterSchool Association (NAA) annually recognizes a cohort of emerging young leaders who are champions of and dedicated to furthering the field of out-of-school time. The NAA will recognize extraordinary individuals who are firm believers in the power of afterschool. They can be vested in subjects such as advocacy, professional development, creative program design, the power of youth voice, data and evaluation, and social justice. Nomination Requirements: For the Next Generation of Afterschool Leaders 2024, NAA will highlight individuals age 30 or younger who are: Active in the broader afterschool community, including, but not limited to membership in NAA and its state affiliates Actively engaged in efforts to elevate the afterschool field and profession In addition, successful nominees will demonstrate: A proven passion for developing themselves and others, and persistence in growing as a leader Contributions that have started to influence entire organizations, communities, and beyond The NAA Core Knowledge, Skills, and Competencies (CKSCs) at the Apply Level, moving toward Amplify in many of the CKSC content areas. Nominate Today: If you know of a candidate worthy of this honor, submit a nomination! The nomination period is open through Wednesday, December 6, 2023. TweetSharePinShare0 Shares