January 11, 2018 Free Lead Testing Services for Children The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) offers free lead testing services to children in Allegheny County. Testing takes place at the ACHD’s Immunization Clinic on Tuesdays (9 a.m.- Noon) and Thursdays (Noon – 4:00 p.m.) each week. No advance appointment is necessary. The clinic is located on the fourth floor of the Hartley Rose Building (425 First Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219), but patrons are advised to enter the building via Cherry Way. Blood lead level tests at the Immunization Clinic will be done via a capillary screen or what is commonly referred to as a ‘finger stick.’ Parents and/or guardians should call the Health Department at 412-687-ACHD (412-687-2243) to find out if they qualify for these services. ACHD reminds parents that all children in the county (unless otherwise exempted) must have their blood lead levels as of January 1, 2018. The regulation, which applies to all residents and schools of Allegheny County, aims to boost early detection and treatment of lead poisoning and reduce the incidence, impact, and cost of the problem. This measure also enhances countywide surveillance of childhood lead poisoning. For more information about ACHD’s approach to preventing lead exposure, visit http://achd.net/lead, and for a comprehensive Q&A about the new universal blood lead level testing regulation, visit http://www.achd.net/legal/pub/pdf/Article-XXIII-FAQ.pdf. TweetSharePinShare0 Shares