Trying Together delivers professional development opportunities to early childhood professionals both in-person and online. To stay up to date on our upcoming sessions, sign up to receive our newsletter. Please complete the form below to update your interests and preferences. IMPORTANT NOTES Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Trying Together is not offering face-to-face professional development sessions at this time. Facilitation options will be reviewed in January 2021. Virtual and online professional development sessions are still available. Schoology is a social networking service and virtual learning environment for K-12 schools and higher education institutions that allows users to create, manage, and share academic content. Password Professional Development: Topics of Interest and Preferences First Name * Last Name * Email * Company Name * Position Title Program OwnerProgram Administrator/DirectorClassroom TeacherEarly Intervention ProfessionalHome Visiting ProfessionalTrainer/InstructorStudentAdvocateOther Company Zip Code Ages Groups You Serve * Infant Toddler Pre-k Kindergarten School Age Adults None of the Above What professional development topics are you interested in? * Advocacy Child Development Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) Digital Technologies Diversity and Inclusion Health and Safety Interactions Leadership Observation and Assessments Play Other If “Other,” please add your topics of interest below. What delivery style do you prefer? * Conference Face-to-Face Online via Schoology Virtually via Zoom Preferred Days of the Week* Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Preferred Times * Morning (8 a.m. – 12 p.m.) Afternoon (12 – 5 p.m.) Evening (5 – 9 p.m.) How do you typically hear about Trying Together’s professional development sessions?* Another Organization Flyer Friend/Colleague/Employer Online Search Other Social Media Trying Together Newsletter Trying Together Staff Trying Together Website To provide additional feedback, please type your comments in the textbox. TweetSharePinShare0 Shares