
September 23, 2024

Safety Tips for Keeping Children Safe on the School Bus

With school back in session, Early Learning Resource Centers 1 and 2 are offering some tips for school bus safety.

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Students, parents, teachers, administrators, transportation personnel, and drivers across the state all play a role in keeping children safe when they ride a school bus.

While preparing to ride the bus, children should:

  • Get to the bus stop five minutes early so you don’t have to run across the road to catch the bus
  • Stay away from traffic while waiting for the bus and line up at least five large steps away from the curb
  • Never run after the school bus if it has already left the stop
  • Always walk at least 10 feet in front of the bus when crossing, so the bus driver can see you
  • Cross with care; wait until the bus has stopped all traffic before stepping into the road

While on the school bus, children should:

  • Never push when getting on or off the bus
  • Stay in your seat while the bus is moving and never put your head, arms, or hands out of the window
  • Talk quietly so as not to distract the driver
  • Be calm and quiet when the bus is crossing railroad tracks, so the driver can listen for a train
  • Always obey the bus driver’s instructions, so they can make safe decisions
  • Never play with the emergency exits; backpacks, band instruments, or sports equipment should not block the aisle or emergency exits
  • Listen to the driver and follow instructions in the case of an emergency

When getting off the school bus, children should:

  • Make sure all drawstrings and other loose objects are secure, so they don’t get caught on the handrail or door
  • Never cross the street behind the school bus
  • Never go back for an item left on the bus or dropped outside of it; the driver may not see you and begin moving the bus
  • Never speak to strangers at the bus stop or get into a car with a stranger