
January 10, 2022

Share Your ECE Story with DHS

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) is asking early childhood education professionals and child care providers for stories about their work in the field.


DHS is collecting stories from providers and caring professionals about why their work is essential and why they chose their careers. The goal is to highlight the stories of the broader human services system and how the child care industry makes an impact in all parts of the community.

To Submit a Story

Stories can be emailed to the DHS Press Office at DHS is looking for:

  • Why you chose an early childhood career

  • How your career lets you help others

  • A story about when you felt like you’ve made an impact

  • A time you’ve felt proud in your work helping others

  • Or any other story you’re willing to share

Please include names, county/place of residence, and a picture (if possible). Stories might be used on social media, the DHS blog, or the DHS central human services job recruitment page.