
November 29, 2023

Trying Together Executive Director to Co-chair Committee on Education, Workforce, and Youth Investments

Allegheny County Executive-Elect Sara Innamorato has named nearly 200 esteemed and diverse leaders from the county to nine policy committees that will inform her administration’s governing agenda. 

Trying Together Executive Director Cara Ciminillo will co-chair the Robust Education, Workforce Development, and Youth Investments Committee.


All in Allegheny invites people from every part of the County to share their ideas, priorities, and needs with the Innamorato Administration. Members are divided into policy committees that draw on a range of expertise from across the county. 

All In Allegheny – a large and inclusive community engagement process that will understand what people from every part of Allegheny want from County government and build an action plan for County government to deliver on community needs during the Innamorato Administration. 

The nine policy committees are each focused on activating the powers of County government to deliver on the following community priorities:

  • Healthy Families and High-Quality Human Services 
  • Housing for All
  • Open and Accessible Government
  • Reliable, Modern Transportation and Infrastructure
  • Robust Education, Workforce Development, and Youth Investments
  • Safe Communities and Justice for All
  • Strong and Equitable Economic and Community Development
  • Sustainability, Environmental Justice, and a Green Economy
  • Vibrant Democracy

To learn more, visit Innamorato’s transition website,