Your Career, Our Future

Become an early childhood educator today!

Trying Together and The Early Excellence Project envision a future where passionate people are recruited, retained, and respected in the early care and education profession.

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Nationwide, early learning programs have had to close classrooms and turn families away due to the lack of early educators available to meet today’s child care demands. While this harms young children and their families, there are also repercussions for businesses, the economy, and society as well. To address this need, the “Your Career, Our Future” campaign has collected stories from several early educators and families throughout the Pittsburgh Region.

By sharing the wonderful experiences of current early educators and the families that they serve, the campaign hopes that more people will answer the call to become early educators.

Current and prospective early educators may connect with The Institute for Early Childhood Career Pathways at Trying Together to speak with a Career Advisor and get started on entering and advancing within the profession.


For more information email or call 412.421.3889.

Black female early educator crouches down between two toddlers at table, one a white boy with blonde hair to her right, the other a Black girl with braids to her left.