
STEMIEFest 2020: Virtual Conference

STEMIE is partnering with the Boston Children's Museum and Bridge Multimedia for the inaugural STEMIEFest and MakerFest. Join them from September 14 - 18, 2020 for a series of STEM-focused […]


SEL & Mental Health in Distance Learning

Are you interested in learning how to implement social-emotional and mental health supports for your students and staff? Attend the webinar "SEL & Mental Health in Distance Learning: District Leaders […]


Pennsylvania’s Child Care Crisis: A Virtual Public Forum

Child care providers, teachers, parents, and advocates in Pennsylvania are invited to join Start Strong PA on September 16 for "Pennsylvania's Child Care Crisis: A Virtual Public Forum." The Forum […]


Unpacking Research on the COVID Slide

Are you interested in learning about how much learning loss students are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Attend the webinar “Unpacking Research on the COVID Slide and Recommendations to […]
