How Optimistic Leaders Can Create Equity in Early Learning Programs

Early educators are invited to join Leading for Children on October 14 to learn how they can ensure equity and shared power in their early learning settings. Create Equity in Early Learning Programs To create the next generation of critical thinkers and leaders, we must ensure that every child has a sense of agency — […]


Fresh Ideas for Making Your Program Stand Out and Grow

Program leaders: Are you looking to make your early childhood program or organization stand out? Join Early Childhood Investigations Webinars and Procare Solutions for this webinar on program growth strategies, featuring early childhood owner Molly Hichens.

The Healing Power of Play and Optimism

Optimism is both powerful and fragile. How can you harness the power of optimism to create safe, loving, joyful, and engaging environments where kids can heal, grow and thrive? Join Early Childhood Investigations Webinars and The Life is Good Playmaker Project for this webinar to learn about this approach. Attendees will discover the power of […]

Learn the Secrets Recruiters Use to Find Staff Online

Join Early Childhood Investigations Webinars and Brightwheel for this webinar presented by Lauren Small and Virginia Marsh, and learn strategies to enhance online recruitment efforts and uncover more qualified applicants.

Natural Playscape Makeover! Practical Design Tips for Supporting Child-Directed Play In Natural Spaces on Any Budget

Join Early Childhood Investigations Webinars and Rusty Keeler, natural playscape designer and author, for a fun, interactive, and inspiring webinar focused on helping to inspire attendees to dream and plan their own natural playscape makeovers “in any yard, on any budget”. Attendees will learn how to add natural elements to support play and, learning, how to […]