Sesame Street: Little Children, Big Challenges

“Little Children, Big Challenges,” a video special from Sesame Street, offers caregivers tips on how to help children cope with uncertainty by building resilience. It focuses on building young children’s coping skills and fostering nurturing connections between them and the caring adults in their lives—whether parents, caregivers, or community providers.    

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With some of our favorite friends from Sesame Street and insights from early childhood education specialists and community service providers, the special offers tools and tips to families as they face each day with courage, optimism and hope. Suggestions include things that almost all of us can try, like sticking to a routine, talking about our feelings, and reaching out to friends and family we miss even if we are not able to see them in person. Watch the video.

Series Navigation

The Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series highlights several early childhood topics to support parents and caregivers who are caring for young children. Use the list below to navigate through each series topic:

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Picture: A young baby looks up at the camera.
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