Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series: Part III

Child Care


When children have access to high-quality child care, caregivers know that their children are learning in a safe, supportive environment with early learning professionals. However, due to limited slots and increasing costs, many caregivers in Pennsylvania have had a difficult time accessing high-quality programs, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To assist families in their search, Trying Together developed family resource content that will explore how to identify, access, and afford high-quality child care.



Featured Resources

How to Find, Choose, and Pay for Child Care

Finding an early learning program that meets your family’s needs can be difficult. That’s why Trying Together created our resource How to Find, Choose, and Pay for High-Quality Child Care to assist parents and caregivers in this process.

Affording High-Quality Child Care

Found high-quality child care but wondering how to pay for it? Read this post to learn about subsidy and supplemental payment programs.

What Types of Child Care Are Available?

Did you know that there are several types of early childhood education and care programs that you can enroll your child into? To find a program type that works best for your family, check out this post.

Call It Child Care

Child care supports children’s healthy development and a lifetime of learning. That’s why we call it child care. To learn more about the Call It Child Care initiative, visit this post.



Find Child Care

If your family is in immediate need of child care, access the resources below to identify early learning programs near you.

Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) Region 5

ELRC Region 5 acts as a single point-of-contact for Allegheny County families, early learning service providers, and communities to provide information and access to services that support high-quality child care and early learning programs. For more information, call 1.888.340.3572 or visit the ELRC website.

Allegheny Child Care

Allegheny Child Care is a digital search tool that was developed to support the care and education needs of families. Parents and caregivers can now search for real-time available child care, pre-k, after-school, summer camp, and virtual spots at programs in Allegheny County. Visit our Find Child Care page to learn more and start your search.

Family Care & Education Forum

The Family Care & Education Forum is an online community where parents and caregivers can engage in conversation with one another, post questions, respond to comments, and learn more about care and education opportunities in their area. To sign up, visit the Family Care & Education Forum page.

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services created an online Child Care and Other Early Learning Program search tool to expedite caregiver’s search for child care that meets their needs. Visit the COMPASS website to learn more and start your search.



More Information

To stay up-to-date on available resources, follow Trying Together on Facebook and Twitter or sign up to receive our newsletter.


Two preschool girls using a mixing bowl to cook

Series Navigation

The Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series highlights several early childhood topics to support parents and caregivers who are caring for young children. Use the list below to navigate through each series topic:

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Picture: A young baby looks up at the camera.
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