Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series: Part VIII

As caregivers, we have a responsibility to ensure each child, family, and caregiver is safe from racism and discrimination and has equitable opportunities to thrive. To help guide families in supporting their children’s understanding of race and equity, Trying Together published resources on topics including discussing race and equity, raising anti-racist children, and children’s books for discussing race.

Featured Resources

Family Guide to Discussing Race and Equity

The Family Guide to Discussing Race and Equity features a timeline for how children learn about race in their early years, and provides strategies for parents and caregivers to utilize as they encourage positive discussions about race.

Resource List: Information on Raising Anti-Racist Children

View a list of resources on raising anti-racist children, with additional resources and activities to teach your children what it means to be anti-racist.

Encouraging Positive Racial Identity in Young Children

View strategies on how Black parents and caregivers can instill positive racial identity in their children.

Children’s Books on Race and Equity

Reading books on race and equity can both educate your child and offer opportunities for discussing how they perceive and feel about race. View a compilation of book lists suitable for young children.

More Information

Note that this resource is not exhaustive. Anti-racism work is something that has to be attended to in an ongoing way. Additional resources can be found in the Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series navigation or on the Trying Together website.

Image: Three young children play together on a green slide at their local playground.

Series Navigation

The Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series highlights several early childhood topics to support parents and caregivers who are caring for young children. Use the list below to navigate through each series topic:

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Picture: A young baby looks up at the camera.
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