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June 28, 2019

Utilizing Nature Storybooks in Early Childhood

Friday, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm $55

Join the Allegheny Land Trust at the Frick Environmental Center on June 28 for a hands-on course that explores opportunities to incorporate nature-themed books in your early childhood classroom.


This hands-on course provides early childhood educators with the knowledge and skills needed to incorporate nature-themed books into their classrooms. Games, dramatic play, songs, craft, and lesson themes will all be explored! PQAS hours are available and ACT 48 hours are available for an additional $5 fee.


To register, visit the event website.


For questions, contact the Allegheny Land Trust at 412.741.2750 or info@alleghenylandtrust.org.

Caregiver and infant sit and read a book together. Interested in the beautiful yellow color and words, the baby points a finger at the page.


Frick Environmental Center | Classrooms One and Two
2005 Beechwood Boulevard
Pittsburgh, PA 15217 United States
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