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July 28, 2019


Sunday, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm Free

Join Bike Pittsburgh in Uptown, Southside, and Downtown on July 28 for an opportunity to walk, run, and bike down main roads and explore businesses, watch live performances, and participate in countless fun activities for the whole family.


Take a classic Pittsburgh experience – traveling from a bridge into a tunnel – and try it on foot or by bike! Explore Downtown, Uptown, and Southside including the Birmingham Bridge, the 10th St Bridge, and the Armstrong Tunnel! Hop off your bike or slow your stroll to stop at hubs around the route! Hubs feature free fitness classes with the YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh, kids activities, and local vendors!


As you walk, run, or bike down the route you will find:

    • live performances,
    • giant board games,
    • local food and shops,
    • fitness classes,
    • kids activities,
    • and more!

Learn More

To learn more, visit the Bike Pittsburgh website.


For questions, contact Bike Pittsburgh at 412.325.4334 or openstreetspgh@bikepgh.org.