
January 17, 2022

Apply: Family Support Program Funds

The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports, is seeking to award funds to qualified Applicants for the implementation or continuation of Family Support Programs, which consist of community-based, high-quality Evidence-Based Home Visiting (EBHV) services, as well as three categories of enhancements to these services: Evidence-Informed Programs, EBHV Model Enhancements, and Program Enhancements.


Family Support Programs help families access a broad array of supports and services, including formal supports (such as EBHV and parenting classes), informal supports (such as providing resources and connecting families to services in the communities), and a community system of services that promote the well-being of families and their children. Such services can take many different forms depending on the strengths and needs of the family, but their overarching goal is to help parents or caregivers enhance skills and resolve problems to promote optimal child development.

For this Request for Applications, applicants must apply to implement at least one EBHV Model, and may apply to implement one or more Enhancements.

To Apply

Application details can be found on the eMarketplace website. Applications must be received no later than March 11, 2022.


Potential applicants can submit questions via email to RAPWRFAQUESTIONS@PA.GOV by January 25, 2022. Answers to questions will be posted to the Department of General Services’ website no later than February 8, 2022.


January 12, 2022

Apply: PA Equity in Early Childhood Education Champion Awards

Applications and nominations are now being accepted for the Pennsylvania’s Equity in Early Childhood Education Champion Awards.

The awards recognize individuals or programs that have demonstrated support to children and their families through: embracing diversity and full inclusion as strengths, upholding fundamental principles of fairness and justice, and/or working to eliminate structural inequities that limit equitable learning opportunities.

About the Awards

The awards bring awareness to and highlight the equity work being done within Pennsylvania’s early childhood education and afterschool settings, and by child care, evidence-based home visiting and early intervention professionals, as it aligns with the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Equity and Inclusion Toolkit, and with the position statement of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education Position Statement.


The following are categories of eligible entities. All must be physically located and operating within Pennsylvania, and providing services to Pennsylvania’s children.

  • Individuals: Individuals, employed at a Pennsylvania certified/licensed child care, afterschool, Early Intervention, or an Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) funded Family Support program. Individuals must be employed at the eligible program at the time of submission.

  • Early Childhood Education/Child Care and Afterschool: Programs must be certified/licensed by Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS), and in good standing with DHS at time of submission. In addition, a Federal Head Start/Early Head Start grantee that operates a program that is certified/licensed by DHS may submit a nomination for the DHS certified/licensed program. Nomination categories include:

    • Child Care Center

    • Group Child Care Home

    • Family Child Care Home

    • Afterschool Program

  • Early Intervention: Programs providing Early Intervention services and supports are eligible to submit a nomination as it relates to early intervention services and equity.

  • OCDEL funded Family Support programs


Submissions can be an application (apply on your own or a program/organization’s behalf), or nomination (submit another individual or program/organization) to be acknowledged for their work around equity in the early childhood education or afterschool setting. Self-applications are accepted.

Applications/nominations and any supporting documentation will be submitted via electronic online submission process only. Applications may be submitted in English or in Spanish. All applications must be submitted by 5 pm, February 7, 2022.

Each completed submission will receive an official signed and framed certificate of placement level (Gold, Silver, Bronze) from OCDEL, appropriate for display. Completed submissions will also receive electronic copy and supporting images for their own digital use on websites, social media, electronic communications, etc.

Completed submissions will be promoted during April 2022 Month of the Young Child, with promotion by OCDEL.

More Information

Visit the Pennsylvania Key website for more information.


January 7, 2022

Participate in the Child Care and Pre-K Voter Project

With important upcoming elections in Pennsylvania, early childhood educators are invited to participate in a voter project to ensure that people running for office know and act on the issues that face everyone in early learning.

About the Child Care and Pre-K Voter Project

Through the Child Care and Pre-K Voter Project, early childhood educators will be provided with:

  • Weekly online communication to help them educate their families and have them become part of a child care and pre-k voter online community
  • Resources to learn more about how politicians and policies affect the child care and pre-k industry via brief, monthly Zoom webinars
  • “Be a child care and Pre-K voter!” signage for their center/program (optional)
  • T-shirts for families (one adult, one child size) who sign up for the campaign through their communication
  • $100 incentive for providers’ participation


Help elevate issues facing early learning to the people running for political office in 2022 and sign up to participate in the Child Care and Pre-K Voter Project!

More Information

Want to learn more? Email Kyle McMillen at Children First for more details!


December 13, 2021

2021 State of Child Welfare Report

Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children has released their 2021 State of Child Welfare Report, which raises concerns about the need to strengthen the child welfare system. Data was collected in 2020, highlighting only the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report shows a decrease in child protective services reporting and the number of children placed in foster care statewide.

Report Findings

In 2020 there were 32,919 CPS reports, which was a 22% decline in reports from 2019, but the substantiation of reports was the highest in the last five years, with 14% of reports being investigated and found to be true. Notably, stay-at-home orders, moving to virtual learning, and less contact with medical professionals created a significant decrease in mandated reporting trends during the year for which the most recent data is available.

While substantiation rates did increase, data from 2021 will be significant to see how trends shift as schools resumed in-person instruction. There was subsequently more interaction between mandated reporters, such as teachers, with children and families. We anticipate the 2021 data will show an increase in referrals and a potential decrease in substantiation as the system struggles to respond to the needs of children experiencing abuse and neglect during an unprecedented time of crisis.

In 2020, 21,689 children were served in the Pennsylvania foster care system, a 12% decrease in the total population from the prior year. Fewer referrals being made by mandated reporters means fewer occasions to identify abuse leading to placement.

Additional Information

The full 2021 State of Child Welfare report, as well as a snapshot for each county, can be viewed on the Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children website.


December 8, 2021

Pennie and PennAEYC Individual Health Care Options Webinar

PennAEYC will host the team at Pennie to present information about affordable, individual health care options in the open insurance market place for the commonwealth. This is an opportunity for Pennsylvania’s early learning providers and others looking for affordable health care options.
On Tuesday, December 14, 2021 from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. we will offer an informational webinar about insurance coverage options on the open marketplace. Access the webinar online at the designated time. This webinar will be recorded for those who are unable to attend. It will be available following the webinar on the PennAEYC website.

About Pennie

Pennie is the official health insurance marketplace in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania established under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The exchange enables eligible individuals to purchase private health insurance coverage at federally subsidized rates.
Visit the Pennie website today to learn more about your individual health care coverage. Open enrollment runs from November 1, 2021 until January 15, 2022.


December 5, 2021

Happening Now: Pennie Open Enrollment

The 2022 Open Enrollment Period for Pennie — Pennsylvania’s official health and dental insurance marketplace — is happening through January 15, 2022.

About Pennie

Pennie is the official health insurance marketplace in PA established under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The exchange enables eligible individuals to purchase private health insurance coverage at federally subsidized rates.

Pennie’s plan comparison tool allows individuals to answer questions about their health status, preferred providers, and even prescription drug needs. The tool will then display coverage options with total costs for care, including premium, deductible, and total out-of-pocket costs.


PennAEYC will host the team at Pennie to present information about affordable, individual health care options in the open insurance market place for the commonwealth on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 from 3 to 4 p.m. Join the webinar at this link.

The webinar will be recorded for those who are unable to attend. It will be available on the PennAEYC website after the event.

More Information

For more information, view this flyer in English or Spanish or visit


November 29, 2021

CCW Non-Traditional Care Add-On Rates Beginning January 2022

Beginning January 1, 2022, PA Department of Human Services certified child care providers who provide care to children receiving Child Care Works (CCW) during non-traditional hours will be eligible for a non-traditional care add-on rate.


DHS certified child care providers that provide care to children receiving CCW for at least two hours between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. on weekdays or any amount of time on weekends will receive a non-traditional care add-on rate.

These rate incentives will support providers that offer care outside of traditional hours, giving parents a safe place for their children and the security necessary to help parents return to work.

The non-traditional care add-on only applies to the days that the non-traditional care takes place and not to any days the child only receives care during typical hours. The add-on rate will be 25% above the established subsidy base rate for each CCW child served during non-traditional hours. Keystone STAR designation does not impact this add-on.

For details, read the full announcement by the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).


November 26, 2021

Child Care Career Openings in the Pittsburgh Area

Are you looking for open child care positions? Early learning programs in the Greater Pittsburgh Area are hiring! See this week’s featured jobs.



Child Care Positions in Pittsburgh


Director, University Child Development Center

The University of Pittsburgh is seeking a Director responsible for strategically directing and overseeing the University Child Development Center and its integral placement within the University community. The director responds to the University’s academic needs by providing laboratory, research, and practicum experiences to university students, faculty, as well as students from other higher education institutions in need of studying young children in classroom settings. The director oversees all major administrative functions of the Center including budget, human resources, facilities, and enrollment functions as well as leads, develops, and directs external relations efforts including public relations, marketing, and community and parent relationships.

  • Apply: To apply, please visit The University of Pittsburgh’s career website.

Infant Caregiver

The Red Balloon Early Learning Center is looking for a full-time Infant Caregiver.


Submit a Job

Each week, Trying Together highlights employer-submitted jobs on our website, social media, and in our newsletter.

All jobs submitted after Tuesday each week will be published in the following week’s news post. Publication dates may vary due to state and federal holidays. Unrelated jobs will not be included.

For questions, contact Kara Bayer at



Other Jobs in Early Childhood


ECE Hire

Visit the ECE Hire website to view early childhood education job listings and helpful tips on interviewing, resumes, and more.

Submit a Job to PACCA

Pennsylvania Child Care Association (PACCA) offers a Job Board for its members to post jobs for free and sends out submitted jobs via their Facebook page and e-newsletter. PACCA members can submit jobs online after signing into their membership account. For questions, contact Maureen Murphy at



Receive Jobs in Your Inbox

To receive the latest job opportunities, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook.


November 2, 2021

Initiative Launches to Address Racial Disparity Among Teachers in PA

Earlier this month, Remake Learning launched the inaugural cohort of an innovative program called OTIS: Operation Teacher (of Color) Irrigation System. This program aims to address the increasing disparity in the percentage of students of color versus the number of teachers of color in Pennsylvania.

This initiative was led by South Fayette School District’s director of diversity, equity and inclusion, Dr. Chuck Herring. He came up with the “irrigation system” concept to convey that the Pittsburgh region doesn’t need one narrow pipeline—especially given all the negative connotations that “pipeline” now carries in the world of education. Instead, Herring aims to “flood the region” with talented teachers of color from around the country by introducing them to Pittsburgh while they’re in college.

The inaugural cohort is made up of four undergraduate students at Howard University studying elementary education. Howard University generally sends students to international locations for their months of student teaching, but one goal is to have OTIS participants do their student teaching in southwestern Pennsylvania. Continued funding will be sought out to continue and expand this program.

About Remake Learning

Remake Learning is a network that ignites engaging, relevant, and equitable learning practices in support of young people navigating rapid social and technological change.


September 15, 2021

DHS Enforces Mask Mandates in Child Care

The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) has issued clarification about the minimum necessary documentation that must be maintained by a child care provider to demonstrate a masking exemption and the enforcement actions that the Department of Human Services will take for noncompliant licensed child care providers.

Comply with Masking Mandate

Since September 7, 2021, all staff and children in K-12 schools and licensed child care facilities have been required to wear face coverings under an order issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

Child care providers striving for compliance can work closely with certification representatives for strategies and resources to maintain full compliance.

Failure to implement measures for staff and children to follow the order subjects a child care provider to the following child care licensing enforcement actions:

  • Initial citations for non-compliance.

  • Failure to return a license inspection summary with an acceptable Plan of Correction (POC) within ten (10) calendar days after notification of noncompliance may result in the DHS denying, refusing to renew or revoking your certificate of compliance.

  • A downgrade to a Provisional Certificate of Compliance as a result of noncompliance to the order will result in the inability to apply for, or receive, a Child Care Stabilization Grant.

  • Continued non-compliance may result in continued enforcement action up to and including issuance of an Emergency Removal Order. Citations will not be issued to providers where there are temporary instances when staff and children are not wearing their face mask but there is intent to comply with the order.

Process for Exemptions to the Face Covering Order

Any child care facility simply permitting a parent’s/caretaker’s sign-off without medical documentation that the child has a medical or mental health condition or disability that precludes the wearing of a face covering is not in compliance with the order.

Under the order, child care facilities must require all individuals, two years of age and older, to wear face coverings unless the individual has an exemption. While there are exceptions, a parent’s/caretaker’s opposition to the order is not one of them.

Before an individual is exempt from the face covering requirements, all alternatives to a face covering, including a face shield, are to be exhausted.

Parents/caretakers indicating their child is exempted from wearing a face covering due to a medical condition must have individualized documentation from the child’s physician. Form letters and parental/caretaker notes are not sufficient for documentation of compliance.

Parents/caretakers and staff must submit appropriate documentation that is signed by a medical professional to the child care provider by September 21, 2021.

More Information

For more information, read the full masking order and OCDEL’s Announcement C-21-08: Compliance with Acting Secretary of Health’s Face Covering Order. For more news, visit our news page.