
September 24, 2020

Jeremiah’s Place: Provider Engagement Session

Are you interested in learning about Jeremiah’s Place and its services? Join them on October 7 and November 5 for their online “Provider Engagement Sessions.”


Jeremiah’s Place protects children and strengthens families by providing a safe haven of respite, health, renewal, and support for children when their families are experiencing a critical need for child care. These online sessions will explore:

    • what Jeremiah’s Place is and what services they provide;
    • why families might need to access services at Jeremiah’s Place;
    • how providers can make a successful referral; and
    • the Jeremiah’s Place intake process.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage. Registration for the November 5 session will be provided in the coming weeks. For questions, please email Renee Schmitzer at

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Jeremiah’s Place: Provider Engagement Session

Are you an early learning provider who is interested in learning about Jeremiah’s Place and its services? Join Jeremiah’s Place on November 5 for their online “Provider Engagement Session.”


Jeremiah’s Place protects children and strengthens families by providing a safe haven of respite, health, renewal, and support for children when their families are experiencing a critical need for child care. These online sessions will explore:

    • what Jeremiah’s Place is and what services they provide;
    • why families might need to access services at Jeremiah’s Place;
    • how providers can make a successful referral; and
    • the Jeremiah’s Place intake process.


This event is intended for child care providers. To register, visit the event webpage. For questions, please email Renee Schmitzer at

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September 18, 2020

The Emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers

Are you interested in learning strategies to support infant and toddlers’ emotional development? Join Gryphon House on October 28 for their webinar, “Crying and Laughing: The Emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers.”


During this webinar, Donna Sasse Wittmer, Ph.D. will highlight ten keys that early childhood professionals can use to support infant and toddler emotional development and learning. When these keys are used, they are the foundation for helping children develop emotional competence. This webinar emphasizes the knowledge and skills that enable you to be a compassionate infant and toddler professional who provides the emotional nourishment that young children need and who supports children’s emotional well-being.

This webinar is best suited for pre-k teachers and school leaders. Time for questions will be provided.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.


September 11, 2020

Unpacking Research on the COVID Slide

Are you interested in learning about how much learning loss students are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Attend the webinar “Unpacking Research on the COVID Slide and Recommendations to Close the Gap” on September 16 to hear from researchers Dr. John Bielinski, Dr. Rachel Brown, and Dr. Kyle Wagner.


During this webinar, the researchers who authored the just-released report, “COVID Slide: Research on Learning Loss and Recommendations to Close the Gap”, will review the data and answer the following questions:

    • Did certain grade levels experience more pronounced learning loss than others?
    • Will core subjects experience the same levels of learning loss, or will one suffer more than the other?
    • Exactly how far behind can I expect students to be when we resume instruction?
    • What can I do to help catch students up quickly?

This webinar will be of interest to K-12 teachers, school and district leaders, guidance counselors, and school psychologists. Time for questions will be provided.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.


SEL & Mental Health in Distance Learning

Are you interested in learning how to implement social-emotional and mental health supports for your students and staff? Attend the webinar “SEL & Mental Health in Distance Learning: District Leaders Share Best Practices” on September 15 to hear best practices from education leaders.


In this webinar, presenters will share:

    • how to connect and build trust with students, laying the groundwork for engagement and learning;
    • best practices for supporting students in special education in distance learning;
    • how to ensure staff feels safe and supported;
    • how to implement SEL that supports anti-racism and equity in distance learning; and
    • how to implement digital tools in an MTSS for efficacy and sustainability.

School and district administrators will learn concrete steps they can take to deliver effective, trauma-informed SEL and mental health supports to students and staff as schools and communities continue to grapple with the challenges of COVID-19.

This recorded webinar will be of interest to school and district leaders of pre-k through high school grade levels, federal program coordinators, and those involved in student mental health.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.


September 3, 2020

Single Mom Defined: Babysitting Cooperative

Attention single moms! Single Mom Defined launched a new countywide babysitting cooperative to strengthen single mom’s support systems and provide mothers with temporary relief to address personal needs such as sleep, medical treatment, or alone time.


Through Single Mom Defined’s babysitting cooperative, mothers will take turns watching each other’s children and participate in online and in-person programs at no cost. Participating mothers will also receive training and certifications, such as CPR.


Single Mom Defined’s babysitting cooperative is open to mothers in Clairton, East Hills, Homewood (including Lincoln, Larimer, and Lemington), and the Hilltop (including Arlington, Beltzhoover, and Knoxville). Space is limited.

To become a member, complete the online Babysitting Co-Op Interest Form. After submitting the form, a member of the Single Mom Defined team will contact you to follow up.

More Information

For questions, email

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August 21, 2020

Building a Pipeline for African American Students in Technology

Join the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans (WHIEEAA) on August 25 for their webinar, “Building a Pipeline for African American Students in Technology.”


WHIEEAA established the African American Education (AfAmEd) Connector Roundtable Series in June 2020 to address gaps and opportunities for African Americans students and families, and to highlight programs, policies, and practices that accelerate the learning and development of Black students of all ages.

This discussion, moderated by newly appointed Executive Director Terris Todd, will enable participants to have access to information, resources, best and promising practices from ED, other federal agencies, and the field. WHIEEAA will highlight ways to successfully engage and systematically support Black students through access to technology and exposure to career opportunities.


To register, visit the event webpage.

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August 19, 2020

Why Care about Child Care?

Are you a parent who needs child care? Are you interested in learning how to get help paying for child care? Are you worried about your child’s kindergarten readiness? Join the Pennsylvania Child Care Association on August 26 to explore these topics and more in their webinar, “Why Care about Child Care?


This webinar will act as an introduction for parents and other caregivers (grandparents, guardians, foster families, etc.) to the child care landscape in Pennsylvania. To register, visit the event webpage.

Submit A Question

You may ask questions in advance (anonymously if you prefer) by emailing, or you can enter them in the chatbox during the session.

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August 7, 2020

Brown Mamas Launches Mama Mentorship Initiative

Are you interested in receiving advice, resource assistance, and emotional support from a mama mentor? Sign up to join Brown Mamas’ new Mama Mentorship program!


Motherhood can be tough, and it becomes even more challenging when you don’t have anyone to ask for advice, assist in resource acquisition, and lean on for mental and emotional support. That’s why Brown Mamas launched its Mama Mentorship Initiative. By galvanizing the collective knowledge in the Black mothering community, Brown Mamas will provide their moms with access to a group of mothering elders who have wisdom and experiences to share.

Once per month, Brown Mamas will host virtual Mama Mentoring sessions for up to 15 mamas. They will work with experienced moms from the local community to mentor new and ‘in the thick of it’ mamas through their motherhood journey. The first Mama Mentorship cohort begins in August.


If you are interested in joining Brown Mamas’ Mama Mentorship program, visit their website to complete the online signup form.

More Information

This information was provided by Brown Mamas. For more information, visit the Brown Mamas website.


August 5, 2020

Virtual Community of Practice Meetings

Are you interested in discussing topics of interest and current trends with fellow professionals in the early childhood field? Join ELRC Region 5 for their virtual Community of Practice sessions!


Community of Practice sessions provide early learning professionals with opportunities to discuss topics of interest, current trends in the early childhood field, and offer insight and inspiration to their fellow professionals.

In August, these virtual sessions will provide an overview of using the Pennsylvania Professional Development (PD) Registry. Participants will learn how to use the PD Registry as a tool to organize staff and will receive support and clear instruction on renewal requirements for the Keystone STARS program.

Available Sessions

    • Saturday, August 8
      10 a.m.  |  Zoom Meetings  |  Register
    • Thursday, August 20
      10 a.m.  | Zoom Meetings  |  Register
      1 p.m.  |  Zoom Meetings  |  Register

More Information

Information about the meetings will be sent to participants following registration. For questions, contact ELRC Region 5 at or 412.350.3577.

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