
December 22, 2021

PNC Financial Management Course

Trying Together is partnering with PNC Bank for a one hour professional development session on financial management. There will be a separate session offered for center-based programs and home-based programs (family, group, relative providers).  The session content will include tools and tips on budgeting, bookkeeping, cash flow, and profit/loss. Space is limited; if you are interested, please use the link below to register.
If you have any questions you can reach out to Allison Hritz,



November 19, 2020

ELRC Region 5 Office to Close November 23

Due to rising COVID-19 cases and the stay-at-home advisory in Allegheny County, the Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) Region 5 downtown office on Wood Street will be closed to the public beginning Monday, November 23.


On November 18, a stay-at-home and stop social gatherings public health advisory was issued by the Allegheny County Health Department. Due to this advisory and the rising number of COVID-19 cases in Allegheny County, ELRC Region 5 will close its downtown office to the public.

The downtown and satellite offices will remain closed through December 31, 2020. ELRC Region 5 staff will continue to provide high-quality customer service via phone and video conferencing.

More Information

For more information, read this news post from ELRC Region 5.


November 10, 2020

Supporting Fathers Who Were Sexually Abused as Children

Join the Brazelton Touchpoints Center and Hassan Daniel, Founder and CEO of The Father Factory, on November 18 for “Supporting Fathers Who Were Sexually Abused as Children.” This is an online event.


During this discussion, Brazelton Touchpoints Center Executive Director Joshua Sparrow, MD, and Hassan Daniel, Founder and CEO of The Father Factory, will discuss fathers with childhood histories of sexual abuse and how they can heal and become the fathers they want to be and their families need them to be. Join Hassan for a live and interactive discussion following the event. Live Spanish translation will be available.


To register, visit the event webpage.


October 21, 2020

Allegheny County Family Resource Map Now Available

Are you interested in accessing food, housing, parent, or employment services? Check out ELRC Region 5’s Allegheny County Family Resource Map to view resources available near you!


The Allegheny County Family Resource Map highlights the addresses, phone numbers, and websites of a variety of family supports, including:

    • Aging
    • Care and Education
    • Employment
    • Family Activities
    • Food
    • Health
    • Housing
    • New Parents
    • Outdoors and Recreation
    • Transportation

Through the map, families can find countywide resources and services closest to them, such as senior community centers, family centers, early learning programs, public schools, WIC offices, parks, libraries, food pantries, diaper banks, clinics, public housing, Port Authority bus stops, and more.

More Information

For questions or to submit a map suggestion, please contact ELRC Region 5 at 412.350.3577


October 15, 2020

Virtual Service Delivery Webinar Series

Are you interested in learning how to build and sustain relationships with families virtually? Join Brazelton Touchpoints Center for their free Virtual Service Delivery Webinar Series.


Join Brazelton Touchpoints Center for a series of free webinars and an online learning community to explore the challenges and opportunities posed by virtual service delivery, and learn about strategies providers have found for building and sustaining strong relationships with families virtually.

Featured Topics


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.


September 25, 2020

Honoring Each Person’s Experience to Support Mental Health

Join Brazelton Touchpoints Center on October 19 for “Honoring Each Person’s Experience to Support Mental Health” to learn how to apply reflective practice and perspective-taking to your virtual work with children and families.


When working with families, especially within today’s current crises, it is important that everyone’s experience of a situation is heard and understood. This requires reflecting on all points of view: one’s own, the child’s, and that of their family members. In this webinar, participants will learn how to adapt and apply reflective practice and perspective-taking to their virtual work with children and families.

This session is best suited for professionals who work with families of young children, including early care educators, family child care providers, mental health consultants, home visitors, pediatricians, early interventionists, and more.


To register and learn more, visit the event registration page. Space is limited. For questions, contact


September 15, 2020

Parents, Children, and Transgender Identities

Are you interested in learning about children’s gender identity and how to provide gender affirmation to all children? Join Brazelton Touchpoints Center on October 14 for “Parents, Children, and Transgender Identities.”


Transgender-rights advocates Johanna Olson-Kennedy, MD, and Aydin Olson-Kennedy, LCSW, will join Brazelton Touchpoints Center to talk about children’s gender identities and providing gender affirmation to all children.


To learn more and register, visit the event webpage.


September 11, 2020

Building Resilience While Social Distancing: Parental Depression & Coping

Join Brazelton Touchpoints Center on October 26 for “Building Resilience While Social Distancing: Parental Depression & Coping” to learn coping skills you can share with parents to address the effects of isolation in the short and long terms.


This webinar will explore the similarities between isolation and depression, paying close attention to the distinct needs and behaviors of parents suffering from depression and anxiety. Participants will learn coping skills they can share with parents to address the effects of isolation in the short and long terms. Participants will also learn when to consult with mental health professionals in their work with families.


To register and learn more, visit the event registration page. Space is limited.


Nurturing the Nurturer: Self-Care for Providers & Parents

Join Brazelton Touchpoints Center on November 2 for “Nurturing the Nurturer: Self-Care for Providers & Parents” to learn self-care practices for early care professionals and families.


This webinar will explore self-care practices for early care professionals and the families they work with. Participants will be introduced to a variety of self-care strategies, and learn why we all need self-care, particularly during extremely stressful times. Participants will learn how to make the oftentimes difficult shift from nurturing others to nurturing themselves first. A certificate of attendance will be provided after the end of the session.


To register and learn more, visit the event registration page. Space is limited.


September 1, 2020

Virtual Community of Practice Meetings

Are you interested in discussing topics of interest and current trends with fellow professionals in the early childhood field? Join ELRC Region 5 for their virtual Community of Practice sessions!


Community of Practice sessions provide early learning professionals with opportunities to discuss topics of interest, current trends in the early childhood field, and offer insight and inspiration to their fellow professionals.

Each session in December will feature a Q&A with ELRC Region 5 Quality Coaches who will answer questions about the Keystone STARS Performance Standards. The Keystone STARS program is a responsive system to improve, support, and recognize the continuous quality improvement (CQI) efforts of early learning programs in Pennsylvania. ELRC Region 5 Quality Coaches are also able to offer support to providers who participate in the Keystone STARS program.

Available Sessions

    • Saturday, December 12: Keystone STARS Performance Standards Q & A
      10 a.m.  |  Zoom Meeting  |  Attend the Session

More Information

For questions, contact ELRC Region 5 at or 412.350.3577.

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