
June 14, 2019

RIF Pittsburgh Seeks Mentors for Elementary Students

Reading Is FUNdamental Pittsburgh is seeking volunteers for its Everybody Wins! program.


Everybody Wins! is a school-based literacy mentoring program that pairs kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-grade students with a caring adult to build a meaningful relationship while sharing conversation, good books, and literacy-related activities for one hour a week. These consistent, one-on-one experiences increase a child’s opportunity for success, both academically and in life.

Help an elementary student build literacy skills and develop a lifelong love of reading by volunteering as a mentor today!


Interested in volunteering? Sign up by contacting:

Nora Peters, Program Director
412.321.8022, ext. 298

Learn More

To learn more, visit the Reading is FUNdamental Pittsburgh website.

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May 22, 2019

City Receives Grant to Support Safe Travel for Schoolchildren

On May 22, 2019, officials from Mayor William Peduto’s administration discussed a state grant of more than $450,000 to support safe routes to school for elementary and middle school students in Pittsburgh.


A bill was discussed at Pittsburgh City Council’s standing committees meeting accepting $464,000 from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s (PennDOT) Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program, which provides assistance to municipalities to support the creation of safe and appealing alternatives to single occupant vehicle travel.

More than 30 million Americans nationwide transport their children to and from schools every day, which research shows increases hazardous road conditions and harms the environment. The Safe Routes to School program seeks to address that by supporting walking and biking to school, leading to eased traffic conditions and better health for schoolchildren.

“The ability to walk or bike to school has long been one of the classic characteristics of Pittsburgh, but over recent decades it has become increasingly hazardous for children, who are our most valuable and vulnerable travelers,” said Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) Director Karina Ricks. “This grant will allow us to dedicate resources to help us collaborate with school leaders and parents to identify areas where low-cost improvements can be rapidly implemented.”

What’s Next?

DOMI is proposing using the PennDOT grant to hire a Safe Routes to School coordinator who is part educator, part engineer and will work on programming for students to walk and bike more easily. The coordinator will work on traffic calming and other safety improvements on streets near schools best suited for walking and biking.

Once approved, DOMI plans to have a person in the position by the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year.

Learn More

To learn more about PennDOT’s Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside program, visit their website.

*Information provided by the City of Pittsburgh


May 1, 2019

Leap into Science! Workshop

Professionals and community members that teach Preschool/School Age children and/or families are invited to join a national network for science and literacy. By joining, you will receive training and materials to lead Leap into Science workshops.

What is Leap into Science?

Leap into Science is a nationwide program developed by the Franklin Institute Science Museum that integrates open-ended science activities with children’s books, designed for children ages 3-10 and their families. The program empowers educators to offer workshops in community settings like libraries, museums, and out-of-school time programs to engage underserved audiences in accessible and familiar settings. Leap into Science provides workshops on a science theme for three possible audiences: early childhood, elementary, and family groups.


The Pennsylvania Leap into Science Leadership Team is hosting free training sessions on Leap into Science Wind workshops at the following times and locations:

  • Edinboro, PA: August 22, 2019; 10:00 am – 2:30 pm
  • Williamsport, PA: September 12, 2019; 9:30 am – 2:00 pm
  • Allentown, PA: Oct 1, 2019, 9:30 am – 2:00 pm


Each organization who participates in Leap into Science will receive:

  • A 4-hour in-person training on high-quality science and literacy curriculum and facilitation strategies for two or more educators,
  • Ongoing support during program implementation as part of a Leap into Science National Network,
  • Access to the national Leap into Science leadership team and online resources,
  • A curriculum and materials kit (valued at $300), and
  • Web-based training on new curriculum themes in subsequent years


As a Leap into Science partner organization, you are committing to:

  • Scheduling and leading at least three (3) Leap into Science workshops for children and/or families living in underserved rural or urban communities by next spring,
  • Posting each workshop to The Connectory, a searchable directory for STEM programs across the country,
  • Leading Leap into Science activities during National Leap into Science Week during the last week of February,
  • Completing a workshop report following each workshop,
  • Participating in quarterly calls with other trained educators in your state, and
  • Completing an annual survey and possible interview.


To participate in the national network and attend one of the training sessions listed above, please complete this brief application form by May 15, 2019. Priority will be given to organizations that can send at least two educators to the training.  If selected, you will receive email notification of your acceptance by June 15, 2019, along with details about the training you will attend.


For more information, contact the Franklin Institute Science Museum at 215.448.1200 or

Share this flyer with your network.


April 3, 2019

2019 P-3 Governor’s Institute Encourages Applications

The Pennsylvania Department of Education Office of Child Development and Early Learning announced the 2019 Prenatal to Grade 3 (P-3) Governor’s Institute: P-3 Collaboration – Working Together for Student Success.


The purpose of Pennsylvania’s P-3 Governor’s Institute is to help school districts, early learning providers, and community organizations throughout the Commonwealth make the vital connections and collaborations necessary for student success from prenatal through grade 3. The 2019 P-3 Governor’s Institute is being offered June 24- 25, 2019 in Hershey, PA.

Application Details

Participation in the 2019 Institute is limited to 22 teams that have not previously attended a P-3 Governor’s Institute. Participating teams will be selected through an application process. School districts, birth-5 early learning programs, and community organizations may submit an application.

Applications may be submitted for more than one team from the same organization if each applying team represents a different elementary school and birth-5 feeder school/program. Teams should be built around a specific elementary school(s), its feeder early learning programs, and the local community. Selected teams will participate in this two-day event. Professional development will be offered to support team specific implementation of P-3 efforts.

Most expenses, except meals, will be covered for participating teams using Preschool Development Grant funds. Act 48, and Act 45/PIL professional development credits and Pennsylvania Quality Assurance System (PQAS) hours will be offered.

Required Agreements

To be considered for participation in this event, participating teams must agree to the following:

  • Participate in pre-conference assignment, webinar or call;
  • Attend and actively engage in the entire two-day event;
  • Bring a core team of no less than four educators (maximum participating team of eight members): a birth-5 administrator, a birth-5 teacher, a K-3 administrator, and a K-3 teacher. Preference will be given to applicants who include up to four of the following: family leader or family representative, Early Intervention representative, out of school time professional, community member, librarian, curriculum specialist, higher education partner, IU representative, Home Visiting, and Family Support;
  • Applying team has not attended a past P-3 Governor’s Institute;
  • Engage in continuous improvement via sharing and implementation of strategies/programs that will enhance student achievement; and
  • Maintain an active role in the Governor’s Institute cohort subsequent to the event (e.g., professional learning community, webinars, monthly follow up).

Application & Deadline

Applications are being accepted via the Governor’s Institute P-3 2019 Application link until the April 30, 2019 deadline. Selected applicants will be notified via email by May 10, 2019.


For questions, contact Jolie Phillips at

*Information provided by OCDEL’s PA Early Ed Newsletter