
November 3, 2020

WQED Cardigan Day

Did you know that Friday, November 13 is both World Kindness Day and King Friday the XIII’s birthday? Join WQED to celebrate kindness and the inspiring work of Fred Rogers during their 3rd Annual Cardigan Day.


As a day of festivity, Cardigan Day brings the community together to celebrate kindness. Beginning at 10 a.m., WQED will showcase the “Mister Rogers Neighborhood” castle in the street outside of the WQED building (4802 Fifth Avenue). This street lane will be closed to regular traffic, allowing motorists with children to safely pull up to see the castle and receive a kid’s kindness bag. Each bag comes filled with snacks, crown-making materials, and Sarris Candies chocolates.

The castle will be available, weather permitting, for picture taking from the car, and kindness bags will be offered while supplies last. Following COVID Safety Guidelines, the event will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Motorists MUST remain in their car at all times.

Wear Your Favorite Cardigan

As has been the yearly Cardigan Day tradition, WQED asks its neighbors to support kindness by donning their cardigans and using social media to post photos using #CardiganDay. Last year, Cardigan Day blew-up social media, trending as number one, as cardigan-wearing babies, pets and entire classrooms of students overtook Facebook and Twitter.

Episode Screening of Mister Rogers Neighborhood

WQED will culminate the celebration with a Family Movie Night featuring a Mister Rogers Neighborhood “kindness” episode. The show begins at 7 p.m. on Facebook. The event link will be available soon. Please continue to monitor the Facebook event page for updates.

More Information

For more information, visit the event Facebook page.


September 30, 2020

Digital Media Literacy: A Deeper Look

Are you interested in exploring guidance on technology and digital media use with young children? Join Trying Together on October 8 for our virtual session, “Digital Media Literacy: A Deeper Look: NAEYC/Fred Rogers Center Position Statement.”


This professional development course is designed for educators and administrators to critically examine and develop a deep understanding of the intentions and guidance of the NAEYC Fred Rogers Center position statement. The course will encourage reflective practices to positively influence teaching, policy development, and dialogue about young children and technology.

Session Details

    • Session Date: Thursday, October 8, 2020  |  6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
    • Instructor: Katherine Gullone
    • Core Knowledge Area: Professional and Leadership
    • CDA Content Area: Maintaining Professionalism
    • Registration Deadline: Tuesday, October 6, 2020


To register, visit the course PD Registry page. Space is limited. Participants will receive the course Zoom link via email within 24 hours before the start date for the course. PQAS and Act 48 credit available.

If you do not have a PD Registry account, please complete this online form to create one. If you are unable to create an account, please contact Jasmine Davis at for more information.

More Information

For questions or more information, contact Jasmine Davis at


January 29, 2019

Looking Forward, Together

Can you believe it’s been one year since we changed our name to Trying Together?!

As I reflect on all that has changed, particularly in the last two years, I am encouraged by what has stood the test of time: our commitment to supporting the work of early childhood.

Through our collaborations with you, we are creating a future in which caregivers feel valued, children have access to high-quality early learning environments, and families have the resources they need to support their children’s early learning experiences.

We look forward to working together with you to make this vision a reality for all young children and their caregivers in 2019 and beyond. Like Fred Rogers said, “…trying together, just about anything can be possible.”


Cara Ciminillo, Trying Together Executive Director